
Monday, February 16, 2009

The Truth Behind Jim Jones and Jonestown - Jesuit Connection?

Jim Jones preaches on steps of catholic Church in Guyana

"Once he arrived in Guyana, as best as can be determined, Jones never left his jungle empire. He had drawn a crowd with religious proclamations on the steps of a Georgetown Catholic Church when he first arrived, had met with people in the Guyanese capital, and then had left for the interior and Jonestown."

Jim Jones preaches on steps of catholic Church in Guyana

"Once he arrived in Guyana, as best as can be determined, Jones never left his jungle empire. He had drawn a crowd with religious proclamations on the steps of a Georgetown Catholic Church when he first arrived, had met with people in the Guyanese capital, and then had left for the interior and Jonestown."

**MI6 Agent/Jesuit Priest Allows Jim Jones to hold services at Catholic Church
** The Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), colloquially known as MI6 is the United Kingdom's external intelligence agency.

"Jones had sent some staff members to his commune site, and he visited and tried to publicize himself by giving a sermon in Guyana's capital city, Georgetown. Members of Jones' staff looked for a place for Jones to preach, and in town was a Catholic Church. Jones' staff was aware of the enthusiastic ecumenism of Father Andrew Morrison (SJ), and they asked Morrison if they could use his Sacred Heart Church to give a service, without being candid about the nature of Jones' preaching. Father Morrison and his perish council agreed. Jones' appearance at the church was well advertised. Father Morrison was present at the service and was appalled. In the days that followed, Morrison apologized publicly for what he called a blatant hoax and fraud having taken place in his church. Some people in Georgetown saw Jones as having imported cheap tricks, and Jones was disappointed that techniques that worked in Indiana and California had not worked in Georgetown, Guyana. And Jones wondered whether he was losing his touch." (All i know is that a Jesuit let this methodist "minister" peach at his Catholic Church. They could say whatever after that but i don't buy it -TR)

"Tribute to Andrew Morrison SJ" (The one who let Jim Jones preach at the Catholic Church):
The Government Information Agency (GINA) joins in paying tribute to a fearless fighter for press freedom, Father Andrew Morrison, S.J. Father Morrison’s contribution to the struggle for press freedom brings to memory another great patriot Father Bernard Darke, who was murdered by armed agents of the then PNC regime, whilst carrying out journalistic duties in a period when press freedom was non-existent.

"He was to grow immensely tall and successively to study accountancy, become a Jesuit and be approached by MI6 to train as a saboteur; he would edit a newspaper, be hailed continent-wide as a champion of press freedom," Read More

Here's something interesting. Deborah Layton who married an alleged CIA agent George Phillip Blakey, wrote a book filled with propaganda about peoples temple. Well that book is "a part of the curriculum at the JESUIT Gonzaga University's Doctorate Program for Leadership"

And I found her father's obituary ("Laurence Laird Layton"): LINK

Notice how they are wanting his son/her brother freed. they are talking about larry layton, the only one prosecuted for the Georgetown airport landing strip which supposedly killed a Congressman and 3 others. Imagine that. After killing 4 people of which included a Congressman!!

Deborah Layton Blakey was the main earlier defectors from peoples temple and brought all kinds of crazy accusations against them (Peoples Temple).

"Now the Layton family were inextricably linked with the People's Temple. In the first place, Dr. Lawrence Layton, Sr. was one of the main financial contributors to Jonestown and Dr. Lawrence Layton, Sr. had previously been in charge of research and development for the United States Army's Dugway proving ground, one of the top chemical and biological warfare research centers for the United States Army. He had also held a key position in the U.S. Navy's rocketry fuel development program in Maryland and the family itself was very prominent, a prominent southern family who had had ancestors fighting for the Confederate Army and the Layton family had a number of interesting connections to the national security establishment. The most interesting being Lawrence Layton, Sr." ....

"Now Lawrence Layton, Sr. had a number of children. Lawrence Layton, Jr. was one of them and it was Larry Layton, Jr. who led the firing squad which executed Representative Leo Ryan and others. Congressman Leo Ryan and a number of other people at the Port Kituma (sp) airstrip in Guiana. His sister was named Debra Layton Blakey (sp) and she was married to a fellow named George Phillip Blakey."

..... "George Phillip Blakey had been the individual who placed the down payment on the property in Guiana which was purchased by Jim Jones and the People's Temple. He had previously been a contract agent for the Central Intelligence Agency in Angola where the CIA was conducting a massive covert operation and the evidence suggests that among the purposes of Jonestown was the training of black Brazilian mercenaries to fight for the CIA in Angola."

2nd Alberto Comic: "Double Cross" After his salvation, Alberto is a hunted man. No Jesuit can leave his order alive! He reveals the infiltration of Protestant organizations, and warns of false "brethren" in our midst.

"...the Vatican planned the infamous Jonestown massacre in Guyana in 1978. Jim Jones was a Jesuit under that secret oath with instructions from Rome to commit mass murder in order to discredit Christian camps"

Who Really Are Jim Jones?

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