Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Saint Nicholas: the Truth Behind Santa Claus VI of X

Santa is a Carpenter?

Mark 6:3 tells us the L
ord Jesus Christ was a carpenter.

Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him. Mark 6:3
Santa is no plumber, or electrician, or blacksmith. Santa is a carpenter. Surprise. Surprise. Wow! Who would have ever guessed it! What a coincidence. Oh yea, remember the God-Thor? His symbol is a hammer.

His house. . . was toward the north (Ezekiel 8:14)
Everyone knows Santa lives at the North Pole. Brrr. . . Why the north pole? Nobody lives at the North Pole. . . Why did they pick the NORTH Pole?

Could it possibly be because someone else lives in the north?

Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the LORD'S house which was toward the north; . . . Ezekiel 8:14

1 Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness.
2 Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King. Psalm 48:1-2

The Lord dwells in "the north, the city of the great King". By the way, remember what Lucifer said in Isaiah 14:13, when he rebelled against God? Remember where he was going to exalt his throne?
12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Isaiah 14:12-14
Where else would Satan (oops. . . it’s just too easy to get those two mixed up) Claus be but in the NORTH.

The ever-familiar holly plant that decorates our Christmas world has a very interesting history. A very interesting history indeed. The iiex chinensis, better known as holly, is the substantial subject of myths and pagan worship. For instance, the pagan Romans decorated their houses and temples with the "sacred" holly, which represented their goddess Saturnalia. By the way, there's where our modern day custom of decorating with holly originated. Among history's most blatant devil-worshippers were the Druids. The Druids were known for their human sacrifices and the authors of our Halloween. The Druids wore the holly in their hair and considered the "holly" plant sacred, hence the name "holy" or "holly." The Druids also believed the "holy" berries represented the blood of their Goddess. (Hmmm. . . I wonder where they go that strange idea from?) As Christianity began spreading throughout the Roman world, the use of pagan holly was outlawed. Plant aficionado and author, Virginia Klara Nathan, writes:
"Ancient history says that the Druids used holly in their religious rites long before the custom came to the European continent. The Druids of ancient Britain and Gaul held the English holly tree sacred. The 'holy' connotation continued in later days in Europe, where the plant was widely believed to repel evil spirits. People planted trees and used their branches as protection against witchcraft, mad dogs, and other evils. With the coming of Christianity, the use of holly was condemned as a pagan ritual and forbidden by the Christian council."
(Nathan, Virginia Klara. "Red-Berried Hollies." Extension Technician, in The Virginia Gardener Newsletter, Volume 7, Number 12. qtd at )
Nathan also writes as many of the condemned pagan practices, began infilturating Christianity the thorny pagan holly plant became symbolic with the "crown of thorns" that the Lord Jesus Christ wore. The Germans even refer to the holly plant as Christdorn - meaning, "Christ's crown of thorns."

But Christian Romans continued to decorate with holly during festive seasons. European Christian symbolism included the belief that the spiny leaves and red berries were a reminder of the crown of thorns and the blood of Christ. The Pennsylvania Dutch held that the plant's white flowers represented Jesus' purity. The Germans called this pla
nt Christdorn, Christ's crown of thorns. They thought holly had white berries until they were stained by Christ's blood. (Nathan, Virginia Klara. "Red-Berried Hollies." Extension Technician, in The Virginia Gardener Newsletter, Volume 7, Number 12. qtd at )
Not surprisingly, considering the holly plant's storied ancestry, many writers believe the actual "crown of thorns" wore by the Lord Jesus Christ, was indeed the familiar "holly" wreath. Another plant enthusiast writes of the holly plant and it's portrayal of the "crown of thorns":
Holly lost its pagan associations and became a symbol of Christmas, with the sharply pointed leaves symbolizing the crown of thorns which Jesus was made to wear prior to his crucifixion, and the berries becoming a symbol of the blood of Christ. Some refer to Holly as the Holy Tree and claim that it grew in Christ's footsteps. The white flowers represent Jesus's purity and birth, and the bitter bark is said to represent the passion. Some writers hold that holly was actually the plant which did actually form the crown of thorns and that the berries were originally white before being stained by Christ's blood. ("Holly Plant, Christmas Plants and Flowers," http://www.piglette.com/christmas/holly-plant.html) And it is not surprising, one of the many portraits of good 'ol Santa blasphemously portrays him wearing the "holy" crown, symbolic of the Saviour's "crown of thorns." One author writes of this portrait of Santa or Father Christmas wearing the "crown of thorns":
Originating in England, Father Christmas was depicted as a friendly fellow wearing a crown of holly and a scarlet or green fur-lined robe. To many, this wreath of holly represented the crown of thorns that Jesus wore when He was crucified and the red berries are symbolic of the blood He shed."
("Santalady's Favorite Antique Post Cards and Related Traditions Picture," www.santalady.com/cards.html)

1 comments/comentarios:

Hey, nice looking blog. I'm going to have to come back later to read it all, but if you want, there's a discussion about santa going on at the [url=http://synchromysticismforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=466]synchromystic forum[/url] if you're interested.